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DANA LEE NYC – behind the scenes SS12 shoot on Vimeo

DANA LEE NYC – behind the scenes SS12 shoot on Vimeo on Vimeo

via DANA LEE NYC – behind the scenes SS12 shoot on Vimeo.

My first experience on a fashion shoot and it was a blast.  My friend and fellow filmmaker Adrian Buitenhuis’s girlfriend Dana Lee was shooting her SS12 and I was invited to help out.  As fashion is very important to me I jumped on this opportunity.  I would like to shoot more fashion films and will be doing more of that in the near future.

Chayan Laoyotrakool, Film Maker


Chayan Laoyotrakool, Film Maker.

A cool film by my friend Chayan Laoyotrakool from Thailand.  A classmate from Vancouver Film School, this is his first short film after graduating in April 2011.  TGK Films along with Mike Na from Exit Films produced it.  It has been accepted to LIFF for 2011.

Congratulations to Chayan and everyone involved!